
There is no active transaction

죠부니 2022. 10. 26. 12:00



PHP PDO - There is no active transaction

I am having problem with transactions in php script. I would like to make multiply queries and be able to recall them all, if at least one of them fails. Below you can find a simple example of the ...



한줄요약 beginTransaction()의 경우 try catch문 밖에 위치해야한다.


The $connection->beginTransaction() must be outside of the try-catch block. When you're start the beginTransaction() in the try-block and your Database Operations throws an exception, the catch-block doesn't know something from an active transaction. So, you get the same error:

"There is no active transaction".

So the structure should be as well:

  1. Get the Connection.
  2. Start the Transaction with $connection->beginTransaction()
  3. Open the try-catch block.

The try-block contains the $connection->commit() after DB Operations.

The catch-block contains the $connection->rollback() before a throw Exception.

